black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Akses Hosting Mudah dan Cepat

Kami membantu Anda mengatasi masalah akses ke Hostinger dengan solusi yang tepat.

Dukungan Akses

Solusi untuk masalah akses hosting Anda.

Dapatkan bantuan teknis untuk akses hosting.

Kami siap membantu Anda mengatasi kendala.

Bantuan Teknis
Akses Mudah

Tentang Melanesia News

Kami di Melanesia News berkomitmen memberikan informasi terbaik. Namun, kami mengerti bahwa beberapa pengguna mengalami kesulitan mengakses layanan hosting kami, meskipun sudah melakukan pembelian.

A computer screen displays a website with the text 'Where the world builds software' prominently featured. Below the text, there are fields for users to input their email address, along with additional descriptions about the platform and its capabilities. The website has a dark background with bright text, indicating a professional tech-based service.
A computer screen displays a website with the text 'Where the world builds software' prominently featured. Below the text, there are fields for users to input their email address, along with additional descriptions about the platform and its capabilities. The website has a dark background with bright text, indicating a professional tech-based service.
Visi Kami
Misi Kami

Kami selalu berusaha meningkatkan aksesibilitas layanan dan menyediakan dukungan bagi pelanggan yang menghadapi kesulitan. Kepuasan Anda adalah prioritas kami di Melanesia News.

Layanan Hosting Terbaik

Kami membantu Anda mengatasi masalah akses hosting yang Anda alami dengan solusi yang tepat.

Dukungan Pelanggan

Tim kami siap membantu Anda mengatasi masalah akses ke Hostinger dengan cepat dan efisien.

A digital rendering depicting a tall, metallic server rack positioned centrally on a platform. The server appears to have multiple blue-lit slots. Surrounding the rack, there are several stacks of cylindrical objects resembling databases or storage units, all set against a dark background.
A digital rendering depicting a tall, metallic server rack positioned centrally on a platform. The server appears to have multiple blue-lit slots. Surrounding the rack, there are several stacks of cylindrical objects resembling databases or storage units, all set against a dark background.
Solusi Hosting

Kami menyediakan berbagai solusi hosting yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda secara optimal.

A visualization of a data storage system featuring a main server unit connected to a series of cylindrical storage units. The server has multiple horizontal rows, each with indicators. The background is black, providing a strong contrast to the metallic and green tones of the server and storage units.
A visualization of a data storage system featuring a main server unit connected to a series of cylindrical storage units. The server has multiple horizontal rows, each with indicators. The background is black, providing a strong contrast to the metallic and green tones of the server and storage units.

Ulasan Pelanggan

Kami menghargai setiap masukan dari pelanggan untuk meningkatkan layanan kami.

Saya mengalami kesulitan mengakses hosting di Hostinger meskipun sudah membayar. Sangat frustasi!

Rina S.
A laptop displaying a website with a search bar at the top and several categorized icons for different services. The laptop is positioned on a light-colored desk in an indoor setting, with the focus on the screen contents and some blurred background elements.
A laptop displaying a website with a search bar at the top and several categorized icons for different services. The laptop is positioned on a light-colored desk in an indoor setting, with the focus on the screen contents and some blurred background elements.


Layanan Hostinger sangat membantu, tetapi saya mengalami masalah akses yang perlu diperbaiki. Harap segera tanggapi agar saya bisa menggunakan layanan dengan baik.

A cloud-shaped object with server racks is connected via cables to a computer monitor. The setup is surrounded by several black squares on a blue background, evoking concepts of cloud computing and data networks.
A cloud-shaped object with server racks is connected via cables to a computer monitor. The setup is surrounded by several black squares on a blue background, evoking concepts of cloud computing and data networks.
Budi T.



Proyek Hosting

Kami membantu Anda mengatasi masalah akses ke hosting yang dibeli.

A data center with rows of servers in racks, featuring various network and power connections. Orange and black cables are visible, alongside multiple server units with indicator lights. The environment appears organized with subdued lighting.
A data center with rows of servers in racks, featuring various network and power connections. Orange and black cables are visible, alongside multiple server units with indicator lights. The environment appears organized with subdued lighting.
Akses Hostinger

Kami memahami kesulitan Anda dalam mengakses Hostinger setelah pembelian. Tim kami siap membantu menyelesaikan masalah ini agar Anda dapat menggunakan layanan hosting dengan lancar.

Several server racks with the logo 'imgIX' are neatly arranged in a data center. The racks are equipped with blue and yellow cable management, ensuring proper organization of the cables inside. The room is well-lit with overhead lighting and has a modern, clean appearance.
Several server racks with the logo 'imgIX' are neatly arranged in a data center. The racks are equipped with blue and yellow cable management, ensuring proper organization of the cables inside. The room is well-lit with overhead lighting and has a modern, clean appearance.
Dukungan Pelanggan

Tim dukungan kami siap membantu Anda dengan semua pertanyaan dan masalah terkait hosting. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan yang Anda butuhkan.